Sunday, July 16, 2023

Advice from the Queen of Rock 'n Roll

Tina Turner lived a life of phenomenal artistry, and integrity, but anyone who knows her story knows that she did not arrive at that level of living instantaneously. Listen to the Legend tell you about it.

Also, I had to add my favorite song from her Private Dancer album, I Might Have Been Queen, about reincarnations.

How Music Icon Tina Turner Found her Nirvana

Thursday, January 26, 2023

There is more magic, musical and otherwise!

I'm so moved by these two musical geniuses that I could not decide which video to post - so I posted two videos!


Stunning shoppers with ORIGINAL classical music | U.T.C.T - Karim Kamar

And more Magic

The most EPIC Interstellar Piano Duet in Public! Camden Stewart and Karim Kamar